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Decksplorers: Into the shell
A real-time deck-building roguelike game inspired by Slay the Spire.

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How does videogame AI make its decisions?
How does the Artificial Intelligence (AI) work in video games? In part 2 of this video we will show how we combine basic building blocks into more complex behaviour and how AI makes its decisions.

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How does videogame AI find its path and beat you at chess?
How does the Artificial Intelligence (AI) work in video games? In part 1 of this video we will show how you can make an AI that can beat you at tic-tac-toe or chess and how NPCs can find their way to their destination in a digital world.

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A game where you work together with a 3D and 2D character to solve puzzles.

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How the walls in The Sims are lying to you
We explain the inner workings and challenges of the wall building system in the sims

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How does ray tracing work?
We explain the inner workings and challenges of Ray Tracing

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How do games render their scenes?
In this video we walk through the history of video game rendering

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5 seconds go!
A party game where you have to quickly name 3 things in 5 seconds.

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How does procedural generation work?
How does procedural generation work?

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A website for an artist who draws rare animals in ink.

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Apple Eater
A game where you catch and eat as many apples as you can!

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A program that uses evolutional neural networks to train fish to eat food and dodge obstacles.

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A fighting game where you play a female toad fighting off harassing male toads.

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Station Sjon
A game completely controlled by using your webcam. Move around and help Sjon to reach the end of the stage by breaking blocks, moving platforms and activating elevators.

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A web application where you can write a few sentences about your day every day.

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A dashboard for use at home showing the time, weather, departure times, the news and some links.

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Cache Simulator
A caching simulator which emulates a CPU's caching behaviour using L1, L2, L3 caches and RAM.

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Orbit Hop
A tiny world revolves underneath your character. Shoot objects into the world from your feet and stack them up to get as high as possible!

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The world at your feet
A tiny world revolves underneath your character. Shoot objects into the world from your feet and stack them up to get as high as possible!

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Waldo Face Detection
A face detector for where's waldo images, aimed to find Waldo's face.

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Bitwise Terraria
How can Terraria handle hundreds of thousands of tiles in its world without crashing?

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Bitwise Portal
How did valve create their iconic portals? In this video I demonstrate my process of recreating the portals in Portal.

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Ray tracer
A program that uses ray/path tracing to produce realistic visual images.

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Game Plunge Episode 5
A comparison between Hotline Miami 1 and Hotline Miami 2.

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Fly Away
Crawl into the skin of a fly and finally get that authentic fly experience!

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Old Man's Sky
A classic rendition of No Man's Sky using oldschool Atari 2600 graphics and control schemes.

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Jumping the gun
A game where you weapon can't harm anything directly. Your bullets can only make something jump/dash or teleport.

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An experiment in narrative game design. This game tells a small and simple story about the life of a stray dog.

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Complete 2D platforming levels by rotating the 2D world in 3D space.

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Game Plunge Episode 4
In this episode we take a look at Mark of the Ninja. How does the game tech new mechanics? And how are stealth games like puzzle games?

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A mobile game where you must collide the same objects to get points. Survive as long as possible.

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Hug Me, Please!
In this game you just want to get some love from the humans. Sadly, you are a giant scary monster trampling buildings.

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I hate golf
You must sabotage a golfing game using your magical wind powers. Make sure none of the golfers score a hole-in-one.

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An attempt at telling a story through the environment. Walk through a dry desert land and explore the area.

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A game where you don't control the character, but you control the level. You have to make sure the character reaches the end of the level by placing the right platforms in the right places.

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Game Plunge Episode 3
In this episode we look at the design in Amnesia to find some answers to the question: What makes Amnesia the scary game it is?

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Game Plunge Episode 2
In this episode we analyze the design behind Half-Life 2.

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Game Plunge Episode 1
In this episode we analyze the design behind Half-Life 1.

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Photo Browser
A photobrowser that can be controlled through your webcam using gestures.

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Game Plunge Episode 0
In this first episode of Game Plunge we will discuss some tools we can use for the analysis of games and the design behind them.

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Cube Blast
A simple arena shooter game where you must survive for as long as possible. Upgrade your abilities to become stronger and try to survive as long as possible.

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You must build and manage a train network. Build railways and trains and try to optimize your train schedule.

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Bobombs battlefield
A recreation of the first Super Mario 64 stage: bob-ombs battlefield.

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Team Fortress 2 Highschool Arena
A team fortress 2 level based on the highschool I went to.

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Pixel Duo
Two players must work together to solve puzzles. Use your combined brainpower to complete the levels.

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A 2D multiplayer arena shooter game featuring roaches in a post-apocalyptic world.

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100 ways to die in portal
A comedic video about 100 ways to die in portal.